Des Taylor’s Breathtaking Grayling

We love this “to-die-for” photograph – Des Taylor with an incredible 3lb 1oz Grayling, as featured in this week’s Angling Times!   Breathtaking colours!

Des travelled to the upper reaches of a British river to fish for the low-head of above averaged sized Grayling, hitting the jackpot with this monster ‘Lady of The Stream’.  Incredibly, this is the 5th Grayling over the elusive 3lb mark that Des has caught in the past two years!

Des fooled the fish with a small maggot feeder strategy – a 20g Kamasan Black-Cap on 4lb Supplex, with a maggot hookbait presented on a size 16 Super Spade to 4lb 4oz hook to nylon, and also added another fine Grayling of 2lb 8oz.

“A truly wild fish that has never seen a hook before in its life” enthused Des!

Check out Des’ excellent full account of the trip in question on page 42/43 of this week’s Angling Times!

For full details on the new generation range of Drennan spade end hooks to nylon, click here.