Chub Haul Using The 15ft MatchPro Ultralight

Lee Chatfield recently enjoyed a day trotting on the River Avon in Hampshire
targeting some of the stretches big chub.

Lee-6.6With the river level and colour fining down nicely, the Hampshire Avon was almost perfect for trotting, apart from the cold northerly wind.

It turned out to be a real red-letter day for Lee, landing 12 chub, 8 over 4lb 11oz and the biggest of the session tipping the scales round 6lb 6oz. A great fish by any one’s standards, especially on the float.

Lee’s trotting outfit consisted of a 15ft MatchPro Ultralight float rod, 5lb Supplex mainline, a 4g Loafer float and a size 18 Super Spade tied to 4lb line.

“They were all caught on red maggot, which I fed 6 pints of throughout the day to draw them upstream and to keep them competing for food,” explained Lee.

The all-important extra length of the 15ft MatchPro Ultralight rod provides much-improved line and float con­trol at dis­tance. This allows you to keep more line off the water, to con­trol a float better when trot­ting at long range and to pick up line more effect­ively on the strike.

Click here to find out more about the 15ft MatchPro Ultralight float rod