Saturday saw the Division 1 National taking place on the Air and Calder and New Junction canal and with heavy rain leading up to the event and then bright sunshine on the day both canals were expected to fish hard Alan Scotthorne during the RAF teams of 4 match getting… Read more

The three-day Evesham Angling Festival is the biggest angling event, spectator wise, on the river fishing calendar and is hosted every year over the bank holiday weekend in August on the banks of the Warwickshire Avon. With very little rain during the run-up to the festival, the river was relatively low… Read more

The practice match for the next round of the Oxford Winter League was fished by 44 anglers on the Kennet and Avon Canal at Upper and Lower Dunmill in Hungerford. The anglers were presented with a clear canal and very cold overnight temperatures. The end pegs and feature pegs were… Read more

The three day Thames Festival was fished by 74 anglers from around the country, at Abingdon, Culham and Appleford. “With the river very clear and with very little flow it was always going to be feast or famine for many anglers. It was great to see most areas improving by… Read more

The River Thames around Oxford is approaching its busiest period on the match circuit, with major annual events including the Thames Team Championships, the Turner 400 and the Swan Hotel Open looming. Paul Glenfield, whose fifth annual three-day Thames Festival in early September is also fully booked with 72 anglers… Read more

Find out how Paul Glenfield makes the most of a winter river session by combining specimen and match tactics. Join the former Thames Champion on the banks of his favourite river for a session that’s full of surprises. The tail-end of the season can offer some fantastic river sport if you time things right. Here… Read more