Cartwright Bags Six Tench In One Morning

Jamie Cartwright, the 2013-14 Drennan Cup Champion, has sent us some more quality pictures of impressive tench taken from a Midlands gravel pit.

Here’s what the top specimen hunter had to say:

“I arrived just after dawn and wasted no time in getting my baits in the water. Within 15 minutes of casting out I had a fast take from a powerful fish, which ended up weighing 8lb 9oz. This was quickly followed by another on the same rod weighing 8lb 15oz.

“A couple of 6lbers came next to the net before my next take rewarded me with the best looking double figure tench I have ever seen. It weighed 10lb 4oz and looks like it has potential to comfortably carry quite a bit more weight. I rounded off the session with a personal best male weighing 8lb 12oz before it all went quiet at lunch time.

“All fish fell to artificial casters fished alongside a small PVA mesh bag of casters, on a size 12 Specialist Barbel hook to 10lb Gravel Braid and a 2oz inline lead.

“Previously, my best catch from this pit had been four tench in one day, so six in a morning was a bit of a surprise!”