Bubbles on the Kennet & Avon

This action photo is taken from the Drennan Oxford team practice on the Kennet & Avon canal last weekend – and shows popular team member ‘Bubbles’ playing a very large fish which gave him the run around for quite some minutes!

Half way through the practice session Bubbles (as he’s known to everybody) had hooked a lump on a Fine Wire size 24 hook and No2 elastic; showing considerably skill (and good fortune) to land the fish – an 11lb 8oz Pike!  The Pike was of course returned alive further up the canal to continue terrorizing the resident roach & skimmer shoals!

The team commenced fishing at 10.15am, but was soon forced to fish short, due to a 300 canoe race, which took two hours to pass through the section being fished, but at least the weather was fantastic, especially compared to the sleet and snow experienced the week before!!

For details on the Drennan spade end match hook range, including the Fine Match pattern, click here.