Balanced Paste Fools Ouse Chub

James Aris from Buckinghamshire has been getting amongst a few chub recently up to 6lb on his local River Great Ouse.


Arriving an hour before darkness James placed a few pinches of paste into several likely looking areas on his way to the far swim. He makes one cast into each swim and moves after an hour, re-baiting the vacated swim with a few balls of paste.

“I have caught every night; usually just one fish, but sometimes two. The ever-present otters often help me decide when it’s time to move to another swim. With just over a month to go I‘m hoping to beat my 6lb 4oz personal best from 2013.”

James uses a free-running paternoster rig, with a simple link made from a small Rig Ring tied to a short length of line with a few SSG shot pinched onto it. The hooklength is Super Specialist Sinkbraid. His hook bait consists of a balanced piece of cheese paste, achieved by moulding paste around a single piece of ESP Big Buoyant Sweetcorn, which is hair-rigged on a short hair to a size 10 hook.