Andy Waters’ Superb Wye Barbel

Lowestoft’s Andy Waters sent us some cracking Suffolk Chub pictures recently – and since then he’s been over to Herefordshire to catch some Barbel from the Wye, his catch including a fish of over 10lb!

Over four days of fishing on various Wye & Usk foundation beats Andy caught 37 Barbel, with three over 8lb including a superb 10lb 4oz specimen. Andy remarked that all the fish had amazing power in a very swollen and coloured river following heavy rain. All the fish came to feeder fished pellet & groundbait on very strong tackle: 3 or 4oz feeders to 12lb mainline and a size 10 hook to a 15lb braided hooklength. Andy used Drennan Martin Bowler Specialist Barbel rods, which of course coped beautifully with the hard fighting fish!

For full details on the Drennan Martin Bowler Specialist Barbel 12ft 1.75lb rod,
click here.