Andy Loble’s Perch Campaign Update

Andy Loble from Sussex has sent us an update on his Winter campaign, which continues to produce 3lb+ Perch!

Andy Loble from Sussex has sent us an update on his Winter campaign, which continues to produce 3lb+ Perch!

Due to continued poor river conditions in the South East, Andy has given his local stillwater perch a sustained effort – the target being a 4lb+ specimen.

Andy reports a vast number of 2lb+ fish have been caught, and now seven of 3lb or more, including these fine recent Perch pictured at 3lb 3oz and 3lb 6oz.

The bigger fish have been sorted out by using large prawns from a frozen food store soaked in CC Moore’s Shrimp Extract and Krill Amino Compound.  Ground bait is banned from the venue so he’s been using potting compost and then adding dead and live maggots, chopped worm, chopped prawn and the CC Moore’s Worm Protein Extract, Shrimp Extract and Krill Amino. A truly stinky mix but one that makes an incredible cloud in the water reports Andy!

Andy Loble from Sussex has sent us an update on his Winter campaign, which continues to produce 3lb+ Perch!

The fish are really showing signs of packing on the weight so I am (as ever) confident that the 4lb fish is not too far away” Andy told us.

Andy’s rigs are simple low resistance run rigs, incorporating Drennan improved swivel stop beads.