Most anglers catch their biggest chub in winter, but Alfie Naylor landed a remarkable fish of 8lb 4oz in the opening week of the season..

The Daiwa-backed ace was fishing the River Trent, having recently returned from a six-month break from fishing due to a recent loss in the family. He kicked off his session by introducing 4mm and 8mm pellets via a baitdropper alongside a generous portion of 15mm boilies soaked in Nutrabaits’ spicy fish protein liquid.Starting fishing around 6pm, Alfie had little action for the first few hours of his session. But when the sun started to set, he had a solid bite connected with what turned out to be an extraordinary chub. When he landed and weighed the fish, he admits he was left feeling both ‘thrilled and emotional’.
Well done Alfie!