Alex Duverneuil was grinning from ear to ear after catching his first English carp last week.
Originally from France, Alex now lives in the UK and works on one of our European desks at Drennan HQ. He has been itching to give English-style fishing a go and an afternoon visit to Rolfs Lake in Oxford was the perfect opportunity.

Kitted out with an Acolyte Margin Carp pole and a couple of the new Crystal Dibber Rigs, some regular feeding with hard 8mm pellets over a bit of fishmeal groundbait soon encouraged the resident carp into the shallow margins.
Pink Carp Bungee elastic was soon regularly zooming out of his top kit as he found himself attached to several hard-fighting carp to over 10lb. Alex clearly enjoyed himself and despite having never used a Side Pull Kit before (or a margin pole for that matter!) he really appreciated just how effective they were for subduing fish of all sizes.
A surprise 3lb chub also took a liking to his hair-rigged 8mm pellet and, although it tried its very best to evade capture, it was eventually netted after a lively battle.
Alex commented, “I really enjoyed my session catching carp with pole tackle. Hopefully it will be the first of many!”