Alexei’s Big Oxfordshire Chub!

Alexei Bygrave with a tremendous 7lb 7oz Chub from an Oxfordshire river, winning a weekly Drennan Cup award in last week’s issue of the Angling Times.

Alexei Bygrave with a tremendous 7lb 7oz Chub from an Oxfordshire river, winning a weekly Drennan Cup award in last week’s issue of the Angling Times.

Amazingly, this was Alexei’s first visit to the venue in question – as he is currently at University in the county. It will certainly be very difficult to top this fish! Fishing in bright sunshine and with a hard frost on the ground – Alexei opted to fish a delicate 3lb 6oz (0.138mm) Drennan Double Strength hooklink through to half a Lobworm on a size 8 hook, with a light (¼ oz) bomb. This proved a wise choice as first cast to a new spot in the swim produced the memorable bite.

Drennan Double Strength line, which is available on both 100m and 50m spools

For full details on Drennan Double Strength line, which is available on both 100m and 50m spools, click here.