A Boiling Hot Time To Go Fishing!

We always love to see a fine, dry sunny Friday and a good forecast for the weekend as it encourages all anglers, even occasional ones, to get out there in the sunshine and go fishing!

For example, Drennan’s Phil Bennacer has really got into his fishing since joining the company, and recently enjoyed a sun-drenched pleasure trip to a local carp pool.  

Using a Series 7 Puddle Chucker Carp Feeder 11ft rod, Red Range Feeder reel and a Drennan Flat Method Feeder loaded with method mix and pellet hookbaits, Phil caught a number of hard fighting carp up to a fun size of about 7lb. We love the picture above showing an angry carp boiling on the surface in the sun – doesn’t it just make you want to go fishing this weekend?

The Drennan Flat Method Feeders make it easy to catch Carp at commercial fisheries! For full details click here:-