958lb With Drennan Margin Carp Hooks

margin-carp-hooksTrevor Price has caught nearly 1,000lb of fish over two successive days with a little help from his favourite Drennan Barbless Margin Carp hook pattern!

His 547lb and 411lb match-winning catches of carp were taken during consecutive matches at the prolific Alders Farm Fishery near Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.

“I have been offered loads of different hooks free of charge but the Drennan Margin Carp and the Kamasan B911 Extra Strong are the two brands which I still use exclusively,” the experienced big-weight specialist explained.

Trevor Price in action.

“A bunch of maggots on a size 16 to 12 Margin Carp fished close in down each edge is my favourite way of amassing these big weights at this time of year. The key is to feed very regularly and take plenty of maggots, which I also liberally douse in GOT Baits Atomic Cloud powder.”