2012-2013 Drennan Cup Competition

It is time for those eligible to cast their votes to decide the winner of the 2012/13 Drennan Cup Competition! 

Now Open!

Check out pages 6 and 7 of this week’s issue of the Angling Times for an excellent run-down on the competition just closed, with details of all the weekly awards over the past season. There really were some stunning fish landed!

As well as having their name inscribed on the plinth of the famous old trophy, the winner receives a £2000 prize. The anglers voted into 2nd, 3rd and 4th places also receive a cheque and see their names engraved in this unique piece of specimen angling heritage!

Who will join the elite group of specimen anglers to win the cup? Past winners include the sadly missed 7-times winner Terry Lampard, plus celebrated anglers such as Alan Wilson, Matt Hayes and Martin Hooper, and in more recent years, Ted Bryan, Darran Goulder, Julian Chidgey, Neill Stephen and for 2011-12, Simon Lavin.

If you’ve been fortunate to win a Drennan Cup weekly award, you are eligible to vote; contact Stephen Stones at Angling Times immediately for a voting form (if you haven’t already received one) – email using stephen.stones @ bauermedia.co.uk or call Steve office hours on 01733-395099.