2011-12 Drennan Cup Winner Simon Lavin

To catch 8lb Chub, 11lb. Tench and 20lb Bream all in one season makes Simon Lavin a seriously impressive angler.  Meeting him for the first time and talking over these captures, his technical expertise, watercraft, and the formidable level of application that was necessary, all came across. He is an entirely worthy winner of the 2011/12 season Angling Times Drennan Cup: we can only be impressed and offer our congratulations.

Peter Drennan

2011-12 Drennan Cup Winner Simon Lavin travelled up to Oxford to the Drennan UK headquarters to be presented with the famous old trophy, and is seen here receiving it from Peter Drennan.  Simon also collected his winners cheque for £2000, which certainly helps with all the associated costs, expenses, necessary tackle and tickets needed to chase the biggest coarse fish in the country!

Simon has written a super article on his breathtaking season which we’ve added to the Articles” section which is studded with some of the exceptional photographs of specimen fish which helped him win the competition.  Click here to read it in full.