Bordon Top The Avon Valley League

Drennan Bordon have won the Avon Valley Winter League with a round to spare.


The 5th round of the Avon Valley Winter League was held on the Wey Navigation Canal from Pravis to Black Bouys bridge, with the canal carrying some extra water and a little colour. A joint first place for the Bordon team in this penultimate round was good enough to retain the league title for the second consecutive year!

Individual winner was John Southgate with 14lb 4oz of roach and big skimmers. He was pegged above Whitehart Lock and caught down the middle at 6m on bread and across at 11m on bunches of bloodworm.

Second place went to Bordon Angling Rive angler Simon Duke with 13lb 9oz. He was pegged below the scout hut and caught on punch down the middle.

Drennan Bordon’s Peter Kay was third with 13lb exactly, again made up of skimmers on punch down the middle and bloodworm over joker at 11 metres. Team mate Dave Lewis took fourth with an 12b 12oz all-roach catch.

League Result
1st Drennan Bordon 7pts
2nd Sensas Oakwood 16pts
3rd= Arun Angling 20pts
3rd= Browning Crowsports 20pts
5th Shakespeare Homestores 24pts
6th Bordon Angling Rive 27pts

Round Five Result
1st Sensas Oakwood 55pts (67-2-8)
2nd Drennan Bordon 55pts
3rd Arun Angling 54pts
4th Browning Crowsports 50pts
5th Tubertini Apollo Blue 45pts
6th Shakespeare Homestores 37pts

Individual Result
1st John Southgate 14-5-0 Sensas Oakwood.
2nd Simon Duke 13-9-0 Bordon Rive
3rd Pete Kay 13-0-0 Drennan Bordon
4th Dave Lewis 12-2-0 Drennan Bordon
5th Jason Kirk 11-14-0 Arun Angling
6th John Light 11-4-0 Sensas Oakwood